These books help anyone who must gather and evaluate data for decision making and especially who grapple with test budgets. These books dealing with life testing, operation research, fatigue experiments, and other relevant topics. We believe that these books make an important service to anyone concerned with quantitative solutions to quality improvement and required standard of excellence for consumer products.
The Statistical Treatment of Fatigue Experiments - by L. G. Johnson
$25.00 - CD or $30.00 - USB Drive
This book introduces the famous technique of Weibull plotting as a method of analyzing fatigue data, together with confidence bands, confidence indices in comparing Weibull plots, "Sudden Death" testing, suspended items, sequential testing, and miscellaneous questions on testing programs, and their various statistical aspects. (reprint from original manuscript)
Theory and Technique of Variation Research - by L. G. Johnson
This book deals with the graphical method of analyzing designed experiments for studying several factors at two or more levels each. The probability paper plot is the key to the whole book, in which discussions can be found on both complete and incomplete factorial experiments, and how to analyze them graphically. (reprint from original manuscript)
Part I: Elementary Reliability - $25.00 - CD or $30.00 - USB Drive
This workbook is a collection of 10 lessons in elementary reliability. This section introduces the concept of Weibull plotting, "Sudden Test" testing, suspended items, comparing sample sizes, confidence interpolation, and confidence superposition
Part II: Advanced Reliability - $25.00 - CD or $30.00 - USB Drive
This section contains additional collection of 10 lessons in advanced reliability. It deals with attribute data, items in series, items in parallel, items in stand-by, as well as the theory of trade-offs, performance comparisons, and cumulative damage.
Weibull Analysis (Fundamentals and Applications)
$25.00 - CD - or $30.00 - USB Drive
This workbook deals with the fundamental of Weibull Analysis as it is applied to the field of reliability and field failure data. Weibull Analysis is conventionally done graphically by means of straight line fitted to life test data or field failure data on Weibull Probability paper as in our early courses and seminars. It is quite an arbitrary process, which differs from person to person when we decide the position of the line which is intended to fit the data. The subjective nature of this naked eye curve fitting makes it quite undesirable and often time questionable, especially in cases where the data possesses so much scatter that no two individuals could agree on the best fitting line by looks alone. As a more scientific alternative to naked eye curve fitting, we propose the Method of Least-Squares Regression Analysis in fitting a straight line to data plotted on Weibull Probability paper. This can be done with any modern calculator has a build-in linear regression program and as well as any commercial software such MS EXcel and Minitab but we use our own special CARS Weibull Statistics Apps for this seminar workbook which is much easier to use for answering Basic Questions in Weibull Analysis.
, New and Effective Methods in Statistical Reliability - (Introduction to Reliability and Entropy) - $25.00 - CD or $30.00 - USB Drive
This workbook is a collection of 10 lessons in new methods in Statistical Reliability. It introduces the concept of Entropy Technique. The Universal Cumulative Distribution Function of Life, The Probability Density Function of Life, The Hazard Plot and Cumulative Hazard (Entropy), Special Case of Weibull Distribution, Interval Analysis of Failure Data via Entropy, The Treatment of Suspended Items, Mixed Populations, Comparison Problems Solved by Entropy, Confidence Interpolation via Ratio Change Theorem, and Confidence Superposition via Evidence Summation.