The following listing briefly describes each program in our software library


Special Apps for Economics of Reliability Test Planning

  • Reliability and Confidence Program - (PRELCON) - This program is for determining the Reliability and Confidence Requirements dictated by Economic Factor.

  • Designing Life Test based on Economics Program - (SAMPROF) - This program is for designing life tests with sample size sufficient to assure a desired degree of profitability.

  • Confidence Determination for Profit Factor Program - (CONFINT) -  This program is for determining a Confidence Interpolation Table for profit factor as predicted from reliability tests

Various Methods of Estimating Weibull Parameters

  • Least Squares Regression Analysis Program- (LWEIPRG) - For fitting a three-parameter Weibull Distribution to ordered statistics and calculates the Weibull parameters as well as goodness of fit with assumed minimum value and the semi-parametric 90% confidence band. This program handles suspended item as well.
  • Maximum Likelihood Weibull Program- (MXLHWBL) - Calculate Weibull Parameters before and after bias correction. This program handles suspended items as well.

  • Cumulative Distribution Function - Weibull Program- (CDF) - For fitting a three-parameter function to ordered statistics and calculates the Weibull parameters for the Best Goodness of Fit and automatically seeks out the Best Minimum Life Value, Best Fitting Quantile Values and the Non-Parametric 90% Confidence Band.  This program handles suspended item as well.

  • Log-Weibull Program - (LOGWBLE) - Quick Method for calculating Weibull parameters (Failures Data only)

  • Statistical Entropy (Cumulative Hazards) Method Programs- (CARS5A) - Entropy Method of estimating Weibull parameters of field life. This has demonstrated superb value because of the intrinsic ability of the Entropy concept in measuring the built-up of failure rate per system These Entropy programs were based on such method. Each program of the Entropy Concept handles suspended items as well. The Co-ordinate Interval Program handles repeated failures on same system and the Grouped Mileage Entropy Method Program handles large grouped mileage data.

  • Improving the New Increment Technique Weibull Program- (ACTLSQWB) - By including all the partial activity contributed by the suspended items in a life testing data set, this improves the accuracy of Weibull parameter determination by least squares statistical approach using the Median Ranks of actual failures as determined by the new increments obtained from including partial activities of suspended items in each interval between successive failures. This program displays  a semi-parametric 90% Confidence Plot as well.  This program is the most accurate of all the above methods.

Special Apps for Sample Sizes Determination and Attribute Testing
  • Compressed Success Run Testing Program- (RSRUN AND PSRUN) - New approach to Success Run Test with Rectangular Prior of Parabolic Prior (Calculates reasonable sample sizes to specific life targets.)

  • Compressed Single Defect Program - (RSINGLE) - With Rectangular Prior, this program calculates the confidence of achieving a desired level of reliability
  • Extrapolation Reliability Program - (EXTREL) - Non-Random High Quality Attribute Success Run  Testing

  • Iterative Reliability Program- (ITEREL) - The Logical basis of taking account of actual successive upward revision of reliability as employed in estimating reliabilities from life test data consisting of success runs. This program is mathematically derived and came  up with same conclusion when the Parabolic Exponent as K = 0 (Same results as with Extrapolation Reliability Program)
  • Attribute Reliability Program (ATTREL) - For calculating the reliability which can be guaranteed with any specified confidence C when D defectives have been observed in N trials.

Special Applications of Weibull Distribution 

  • Mixtures Program - (Decomposition of Population Mixtures) - This program deals with the problem of decomposing an S-Shape Weibull population and calculates the Weibull parameters and the goodness of fit for each sub-populations and the composite curve.

  • Zero Minimum Life Weibull Program with Comparison - (ZMLCOMP) - This program computes the Weibull slope, Quantile Life, and Goodness of Fit on individual data set and permits comparison of data sets for significant differences. (This program does not handle suspensions.)
  • Given Weibull Slope Program - To fit the best function with a given slope to a set of order statistics.
  • Coordinate Weibull Program - (COWPRG) - For fitting Weibull cumulative functions to sets of coordinates and calculates the Weibull parameters for all the minimum life values in the interval between its lower and upper limits as well as goodness of fit for each assumed minimum life. 
  • General Weibull Comparison Program - (GWCPRG) - For comparing two Weibull samples at any quantil level, and for any desired null ratio.
  • Slope Comparison Program - To calculate the confidence of two Weibull slopes
  • Weibull Repair Program - (WEIRP) - This program calculates the expected number of repairs on n machines in time x.

Other Interesting Distributions for Reliability Studies

  • Cumulative Distribution Function - Ultimate Value Program - (CDF) - For fitting Ultimate Value Function to order statistics and  calculates the Ultimate Value parameters such as Slope, Minimum Value, and Ultimate Value as well as the goodness of fit with the assumed minimum value.  (This program handles suspended items as well.)
  • Cumulative Distribution Function - N-tic Power Function Program - (CDF) - For fitting a three-parameter power function (Not Weibull function) to order statistics and calculates the minimum life value, N-tic slope, and Maximum life value as well as the goodness of fit with the assumed minimum value.  (This program handles suspended items as well.)
  • Pearson Type III Statistics Program - (PEARS) - For fitting a Pearson Type III distribution to raw data and calculating the Pearson Type III parameters such as the mean, the standard deviation, and skewness.
  • Log-Normal or Normal Distribution Program - (LOGNORM) - (Not for Fatigue Studies) - Fits data to Normal or Log-Normal Distribution.  It calculates lower and upper percentiles for Central Values, 5% Bounds, and 95% Bounds, 50% percentile of distribution, mean, and standard deviation. The Log-Normal Distribution's usefulness also applicable to economics, medicine, and survival times of bacteria in disinfectant solutions.

 Relevant Programs for Quality Assurance and SPC

  • Monte-Carlo Simulation Program - (SIMULATE) - For generating Random Samples from a Normal Population with specified Mean and Standard Deviation.
  • Maximum Specification Program- (MAXPRG) - Testing a product's ability to stay below an Upper Spec.
  • Tested Lead Time Program -(TLTPRG) - This program calculates what is the required lead time (with 90% confidence) to release a product with a desired MTBF.
  • Design of Life Tests Program - (DOLT) - This program outlines the input and output steps of Designing an entire Life Test Program.
  • Logistic Specification Statistics Program - (LOGISTIC) - Fits measured value data to Logistic Distribution.  It calculates Logistic Mean, Logistic Sigma, and Slope.  It predicts the % Below Lower Spec, % Below Nominal Value, % Above Upper Spec, Distribution,s Mean Shift from Nominal, Percent Within the Two Specs, Percent Outside the Two Specs.
  • Parameter Translation Program - (CONVERT) - This program converts Weibull distribution parameters to Pearson Type III distribution parameters or vise - versa.

  • Entropy Summation Confidence Program - (ENTSUMCF) - This program determine the given sample is superior to the Assumed Standard Population